
Assessment of Current EVSE and EV Deployment: Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Support Study

This report analyzes patterns of electric vehicle (EV) ownership and charging infrastructure across the Transportation and Climate Initiative region, offering insights into geographic, demographic, and policy influences, and highlighting areas with potential for increased EV adoption.

Creating EV-Ready Towns and Cities: A Guide to Planning and Policy Tools

This guide helps local governments make their communities EV-ready by exploring five key policy tools: zoning, parking ordinances, codes, permitting, and partnerships, along with best practices for implementation.

EV-Ready Codes for the Built Environment

This report supports electric vehicle (EV) charging deployment by examining how building and electrical codes can either hinder or promote EV infrastructure, helping local and state practitioners identify and address code-related barriers to EV readiness.

Siting and Design Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment

The purpose of these design guidelines is to identify and diagram key siting and design issues that are relevant to local governments as well as developers, homeowners, businesses, utility providers, and other organizations interested in best practices for EVSE implementation. 

Sherman Creek Waterfront Esplanade Master Plan

The Sherman Creek Waterfront Esplanade Master Plan establishes a planning and design framework for an open space amenity to revitalize a section of the Harlem River waterfront that has been derelict and inaccessible to the public for decades.  

Fordham Plaza Conceptual Master Plan

This conceptual plan reimagines Fordham Plaza as a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly public space and intermodal transit hub, with improved traffic flow, expanded plaza areas, and new amenities for enhanced community use.