The Downtown Alliance has installed an exhibition at Zuccotti Park to draw attention to the latest proposals for the Greenwich South area of Lower Manhattan. Walking through the park you can see how WXY's Greenwich Street South Urban Design Study of 2005 is gaining traction through the work of the Downtown Alliance. Commissioned by the LMDC as a result of the Mayors Vision Plan, our study showed how, through adjustments to the tunnel and reallocation of development from the MTA Parking Garage Structures, the neighborhood could be redeveloped with its historic fabric intact. The study shows the knitting together of a neighborhood, the greening of infrastructure, the reduction of emissions from the tunnel with a deck, new tall buildings that fit in amongst the towers of Lower Manhattan, and a newly reconnected Greenwich Street southbound to The Battery. Collaborators included H3 Collaborative, Olin Partnership and the Environmental Simulation Center.
10.13.2009 / Project Updates